En el corazón de China, su ciudad fue la primera del planeta en estar en cuarentena. Pero seis meses después, los habitantes de Wuhan disfrutan el regreso a una vida normal, a tal punto que muchos de ellos no dudan en dejar la mascarilla.
This photo taken on August 6, 2020 shows people walking around a night market in Wuhan in Chinas central Hubei province. – The city’s convalescence since a 76-day quarantine was lifted in April has brought life and gridlocked traffic back onto its streets, even as residents struggle to find their feet again. Long lines of customers now stretch outside breakfast stands, a far cry from the terrified crowds who queued at city hospitals in the first weeks after a city-wide lockdown was imposed in late January to curb the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. (Photo by Hector RETAMAL / AFP) This photo taken on August 4, 2020 shows people participating in a music festival in Wuhan in Chinas central Hubei province. – The city’s convalescence since a 76-day quarantine was lifted in April has brought life and gridlocked traffic back onto its streets, even as residents struggle to find their feet again. Long lines of customers now stretch outside breakfast stands, a far cry from the terrified crowds who queued at city hospitals in the first weeks after a city-wide lockdown was imposed in late January to curb the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. (Photo by Hector RETAMAL / AFP) This photo taken on August 6, 2020 shows people at a bar in the city of Wuhan in Chinas central Hubei province. – The city’s convalescence since a 76-day quarantine was lifted in April has brought life and gridlocked traffic back onto its streets, even as residents struggle to find their feet again. Long lines of customers now stretch outside breakfast stands, a far cry from the terrified crowds who queued at city hospitals in the first weeks after a city-wide lockdown was imposed in late January to curb the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. (Photo by Hector RETAMAL / AFP) This photo taken on August 4, 2020 shows people eating during the afternoon in front to a small restaurant in Wuhan in Chinas central Hubei province. – The city’s convalescence since a 76-day quarantine was lifted in April has brought life and gridlocked traffic back onto its streets, even as residents struggle to find their feet again. Long lines of customers now stretch outside breakfast stands, a far cry from the terrified crowds who queued at city hospitals in the first weeks after a city-wide lockdown was imposed in late January to curb the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. (Photo by Hector RETAMAL / AFP) This photo taken on August 4, 2020 shows people dancing during the afternoon next to the Yangtze River in Wuhan in Chinas central Hubei province. – The city’s convalescence since a 76-day quarantine was lifted in April has brought life and gridlocked traffic back onto its streets, even as residents struggle to find their feet again. Long lines of customers now stretch outside breakfast stands, a far cry from the terrified crowds who queued at city hospitals in the first weeks after a city-wide lockdown was imposed in late January to curb the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. (Photo by Hector RETAMAL / AFP) This photo taken on August 4, 2020 shows people participating in a music festival in Wuhan in Chinas central Hubei province. – The city’s convalescence since a 76-day quarantine was lifted in April has brought life and gridlocked traffic back onto its streets, even as residents struggle to find their feet again. Long lines of customers now stretch outside breakfast stands, a far cry from the terrified crowds who queued at city hospitals in the first weeks after a city-wide lockdown was imposed in late January to curb the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. (Photo by Hector RETAMAL / AFP) This photo taken on August 4, 2020 shows people dancing during next to the Yangtze River in Wuhan. – The city’s convalescence since a 76-day quarantine was lifted in April has brought life and gridlocked traffic back onto its streets, even as residents struggle to find their feet again. Long lines of customers now stretch outside breakfast stands, a far cry from the terrified crowds who queued at city hospitals in the first weeks after a city-wide lockdown was imposed in late January to curb the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. (Photo by Hector RETAMAL / AFP) This photo taken on August 4, 2020 shows people participating in a music festival in Wuhan in Chinas central Hubei province. – The city’s convalescence since a 76-day quarantine was lifted in April has brought life and gridlocked traffic back onto its streets, even as residents struggle to find their feet again. Long lines of customers now stretch outside breakfast stands, a far cry from the terrified crowds who queued at city hospitals in the first weeks after a city-wide lockdown was imposed in late January to curb the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. (Photo by Hector RETAMAL / AFP) This photo taken on August 7, 2020 shows people visiting the Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan in Chinas central Hubei province. – The city’s convalescence since a 76-day quarantine was lifted in April has brought life and gridlocked traffic back onto its streets, even as residents struggle to find their feet again. Long lines of customers now stretch outside breakfast stands, a far cry from the terrified crowds who queued at city hospitals in the first weeks after a city-wide lockdown was imposed in late January to curb the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. (Photo by Hector RETAMAL / AFP) This photo taken on August 3, 2020 shows passengers checking their health codes on their phones upon arrival at Tianhe Airport in Wuhan in Chinas central Hubei province. – The city’s convalescence since a 76-day quarantine was lifted in April has brought life and gridlocked traffic back onto its streets, even as residents struggle to find their feet again. Long lines of customers now stretch outside breakfast stands, a far cry from the terrified crowds who queued at city hospitals in the first weeks after a city-wide lockdown was imposed in late January to curb the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. (Photo by Hector RETAMAL / AFP) Con información de Infobae
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